Current & Upcoming Courses & Events
2023/24 OFFERINGS (updated December 21)
Still pacing myself but hope to offer a variety of things in 2024.
Still pacing myself but hope to offer a variety of things in 2024.
Burnt Offerings (2023) October 14 to November 25, 2023 Station Gallery in Whitby, Ontario, Canada Burnt Offerings has been expanded and updated with a lot of new work for a spacious and multi-room exhibition at Station Gallery! This version of my project incorporates a number of new media including sculpture, textile, installation and animation as well as a custom carpet. Experiencing it in person gives you the full, spatial and sensory experience, so see it if you can! Station Gallery is located within walking distance of the Whitby GO train station (exit at the south end). Virtual Collage JamsDATES ARE UP FOR THE NEW SEASON OF VIRTUAL COLLAGE JAMS!
While Virtual Studio Party remains on hiatus for the time being, I will be co-hosting Kal Honey's Virtual Collage Jam (click on link for dates) whenever I am able to this fall. I look forward to chatting with everyone again! If you miss any of our free livestreams, they are all available as replay videos, in playlists on our respective YouTube channels, for you to enjoy! Click the button below for details. The Virtual Studio Parties are a chance to have some creative fun in the real-time, virtual company of others, wherever you are, as long as you have high-speed internet. Livestreamed on YouTube, for maximum convenience. |